The Leakator Jr. is a handheld combustilble gas leak detector. 2010-01-08 monthly 0.5 http://kskimb">

Bacharach Leakator Jr.
Bacharach Leakator Jr.
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The Leakator Jr. is a handheld combustible gas leak detector used to pinpoint combustible gas leaks in commercial, residential, and industrial applications, including survey gas pipelines, and inspecting valves, regulators, and meters on gas equipment. When combustible gases are sensed, audible and visual indication is given. Combustible gases include Acetone, Acetylene, Benzene, Butane, Ethanol, Ethylene Oxide, Gasoline, Hexane, Hydrogen, Industrial Solvents, Iso-Butane, Methane, Methanol, Paint Thinners, Propane, Natural Gas, and Naptha.

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